Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Diana and Rengar Champion Spotlights
So I forgot to post Diana's champion spotlight last week, mostly because it is a champion that has had little impact on my game play. Diana is a good champion, but I honestly don't see her played much because she is nothing really that special about her it seems.
Rengar however is a champion I have found to be very problematic and definitely a solid, possibly even over-powered, champion. Paired with WW, the "wolf brothers" do some serious damage when paired together. Dedicated to ganking from the jungle, Rengar does some serious damage attacking from the bush and his power is seen even more-so with his ultimate, which if nothing else is a great stealth get away, but is usually an extremely strong attack set up. Check it out for yourself.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Zyra, Rise of the Thorns
Once again a Champion that seems to do little to change the balance of the champions currently in play, Zyra, Rise of the Thorns, is yet another character that seems to not be used very often. She works more like a utility champion, that doesn't seem to have the devastating power of some of the others, but none the less she can be fun. A little weak early in the game though.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Zyra Art Spotlight
The newest champion's art looks great and looks like we have another great champion in the making. I wonder though. Do you think she will be ranged or melee? Tough call by the art.
Jayce Champion Spotlight
Jayce, The Defender of Tomorrow, has an interesting name on top of being a very interesting champion. It took me awhile to figure out just what to put down for this champion as he can be really good, but he can also be equally as bad. Overall he is a balanced champion, but I think overall an unnecessary addition to the champion line-up. If you can figure out how to combo with him, you will do fine. If not, you can expect to have some trouble. However this champion does very little to balance out the overpowered champions before him like Darius and Draven. I suppose it could be considered a good balance against Varus, but that is going out on a limb.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Jayce Patch Preview
So in order to re-balance champions after the number of ridiculously strong champions that have been introduced to the game lately, this patch will focus on buffing other champions who have been "under-powered" for quite some time. Orianna gets reduced cooldown times, Nunu becomes better at jungling, and global ultimates get longer cooldowns. Not sure if I agree with the LeBlanc buff though considering she will be able to blink just about anywhere. But I guess we will find out.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
UNLV UTAH Wyoming Basketball
Looking to get tickets to the upcoming games? Buying and selling tickets is made even easier with Ticket America, an easy place to trade tickets where you get the best value. I get all my concert and sporting event tickets there and I get the best deal possible every time! And make sure you snag your tickets to the upcoming games: unlv rebels mens basketball tickets,
utah utes mens basketball tickets,
wyoming cowboys mens basketball tickets
Go with Ticket America so you can be sure to make it to all the games you want without breaking the bank!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Darius and Draven Champion Spotlights
So it seems as if the two newest champions are just as op as every new one that has come out lately. Not sure if this is good for the game, but I predict before long there will need to be a re-balancing or the other champions are going to become obsolete.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Varus Champion Spotlight
Varus, the Arrow of Retribution, is a great mix of caster and physical ranged damage that not only does an incredible amount of damage, but also has a ton of cc with an AoE slow and a potentially AoE snare. If his incredible damage and cc ability isn't enough, the range of his channeled ability is unbelievable. In all seriousness, this new champion may be ridiculously overpowered in the right hands, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Working Hard
Thanks to Lemuel Craft
My husband and I have been working really hard to say some extra cash around the house. With the baby on the way we both know we need to start socking away some money for the kids college education and things like that. Just buying all the baby stuff has been a lesson in savings! Anyway, I think the most effective thing we have done so far is looking into ways to streamline our utility bills. For example, we cancel cable because as it turns out we are really at home enough that it makes sense to pay for it and we also decided to buy an eliptical or an upfront cost rather than paying to be members of the gym. I've been looking into Texas Electricity Providers because I think one of the best ways we can actually cut back is by switching some of our utility providers. I think we've done a pretty good job of getting ready for this child but I'm sure it's like anything else… You don't know what it will it be like until it’s here!
My husband and I have been working really hard to say some extra cash around the house. With the baby on the way we both know we need to start socking away some money for the kids college education and things like that. Just buying all the baby stuff has been a lesson in savings! Anyway, I think the most effective thing we have done so far is looking into ways to streamline our utility bills. For example, we cancel cable because as it turns out we are really at home enough that it makes sense to pay for it and we also decided to buy an eliptical or an upfront cost rather than paying to be members of the gym. I've been looking into Texas Electricity Providers because I think one of the best ways we can actually cut back is by switching some of our utility providers. I think we've done a pretty good job of getting ready for this child but I'm sure it's like anything else… You don't know what it will it be like until it’s here!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hecarim, Champion Spotlight
Hecarim, the Shadow of War, is the newest champion in the arsenal of fastest moving characters in the game. With multiple charge abilities and ridiculous movement speed, Hecarim is a reliable melee support that is sure to get your team kills. Half beast, half human, half dead? You'll have to check him out for yourself to make that decision.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Gearing Up for the New Champion
As most people should know, LoL is getting ready to release there newest character, Hecarim, a character that appears to be a mix of centaur and undead. Definitely an interesting combo. Check out the artist spotlight:
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Lulu, Champion Spotlight
Lulu, The Fae Sorceress, is the ultimate range support class designed to buff allies and hinder foes, making it ridiculously easy for teammates to get kills early and often. Playing Lulu aggressively and constantly harassing enemies will give you a distinct advantage not only in your lane, but in the game. Keeping enemies suppressed will help your team assure a victory. Assisting ganks will be your primary goal over time, however at the same time, Lulu is also an easily ganked target so be sure to keep an eye on the enemies with wards. If you keep yourself alive and your lane under control, you practically guarantee you team an easy win.
The Author of this post is Velma Baird
We moved to California a little over a month ago. My husband’s job relocated him. We could choose to move to California or Miami, we choose the Pacific over the Gulf! I have dreamed of living in California since I was a little girl. I had only visited a couple of times, but love the weather and think that it is the most beautiful state of all! There is such a variety of terrain. You have the Southern Coast, the Northern Coast, mountains, desert areas, and lush green areas. There are not many states where you get everything in one package. We found a great town home that we love. It has a nice third story porch where we can sit and eat breakfast on balcony. We have made a lot of improvements to the place since we have been here, including painting to our taste and updating the kitchen. There are only a couple little things left to do. I need to get in touch with santa ana internet providers and have internet installed. I also need to look into a house keeping service. I think that we are going to love California!
We moved to California a little over a month ago. My husband’s job relocated him. We could choose to move to California or Miami, we choose the Pacific over the Gulf! I have dreamed of living in California since I was a little girl. I had only visited a couple of times, but love the weather and think that it is the most beautiful state of all! There is such a variety of terrain. You have the Southern Coast, the Northern Coast, mountains, desert areas, and lush green areas. There are not many states where you get everything in one package. We found a great town home that we love. It has a nice third story porch where we can sit and eat breakfast on balcony. We have made a lot of improvements to the place since we have been here, including painting to our taste and updating the kitchen. There are only a couple little things left to do. I need to get in touch with santa ana internet providers and have internet installed. I also need to look into a house keeping service. I think that we are going to love California!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
We’re like a family
Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
I was looking at the website,, for a new service provider at the office. We have been up and running for a year now. That is really hard to believe. It all started with an idea my boss refused to listen to at a big company. Now, here I am a year later shopping for Internet and service providers in my own office for my small business. It was tough at first and we had such a small staff to do such a large load of work. We really ended up becoming a family. Well, that family was really giving me a hard time about the Internet. This really was not that abnormal. We had some trouble with other providers and it only seemed right to try to seek something a bit better our for my team. They really are dedicated. I wish I could do something more than find a new Internet provider to show them how glad I am they are here. We all left larger companies for this venture and no doubt it has had its ups and downs. It is just good to know you have some people to count on.
I was looking at the website,, for a new service provider at the office. We have been up and running for a year now. That is really hard to believe. It all started with an idea my boss refused to listen to at a big company. Now, here I am a year later shopping for Internet and service providers in my own office for my small business. It was tough at first and we had such a small staff to do such a large load of work. We really ended up becoming a family. Well, that family was really giving me a hard time about the Internet. This really was not that abnormal. We had some trouble with other providers and it only seemed right to try to seek something a bit better our for my team. They really are dedicated. I wish I could do something more than find a new Internet provider to show them how glad I am they are here. We all left larger companies for this venture and no doubt it has had its ups and downs. It is just good to know you have some people to count on.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Ziggs Champion Spotlight
Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert is a great long-range mage character with great AoE and ranged control. Lots of early damage with combos allow you to quickly and easily control lanes. Being such a strong early character, Ziggs may not be the greatest end-game character as his health is comparably lower than many other characters. Played well however, you can often find a way out of any sticky situation.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
In the World of DotA 2
As DOTA 2 continues to be worked on and the new characters are created, DOTA 2 will remain free to play which is absolutely awesome. They are constantly adding characters but this past week, some previews of a few characters were released that weren't supposed to come out yet. Check below to see what I mean.
Clinkz has just been officially released and he looks sweet but I'm not sure his damage is up to par yet. We will see how his character plays out. That is all I have for now but check out this incredible Pudge hook before you leave!
Clinkz has just been officially released and he looks sweet but I'm not sure his damage is up to par yet. We will see how his character plays out. That is all I have for now but check out this incredible Pudge hook before you leave!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sivir Champion Spotlight
Sivir is a strong dps kind of tanky, kind of a jungler... point is she is basically the perfect utility character to have on your side. She is technically a mage but uses a thrown weapon and she is much stronger than your average caster. Check out the champion spotlight to see just what I mean.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sejuani and Jax Champion Spotlights
These two new characters offer some great new strategy to the game. Sejuani, The Winter's Wrath and Jax, The Grandmaster at Arms.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
My Friend's Blog
Thanks for this guest post from Erasmo Cortez
I used our clear internet service this morning to check out my friend’s blog. She has had a blog for the last two years. When she first started it, I followed it, but then it kind of fell off of the radar. I wasn’t sure if she was even updating anymore because she wasn’t making any posts about it on facebook or e-mailing the link to me anymore. The other day, I got an e-mail that she had renamed her blog. When I visited it this morning I was really impressed. It looked like someone had professionally put her a blogspot together. The topics were really interesting and I could tell that she put a lot of time into it. She has always been well versed, open , and motivate (the perfect combo for a blogger). I have to say that I enjoy her blog as much as I enjoy some of the professional writer blogs that I follow weekly. She should really think about blogging as a business, I think that she could get a big following!
I used our clear internet service this morning to check out my friend’s blog. She has had a blog for the last two years. When she first started it, I followed it, but then it kind of fell off of the radar. I wasn’t sure if she was even updating anymore because she wasn’t making any posts about it on facebook or e-mailing the link to me anymore. The other day, I got an e-mail that she had renamed her blog. When I visited it this morning I was really impressed. It looked like someone had professionally put her a blogspot together. The topics were really interesting and I could tell that she put a lot of time into it. She has always been well versed, open , and motivate (the perfect combo for a blogger). I have to say that I enjoy her blog as much as I enjoy some of the professional writer blogs that I follow weekly. She should really think about blogging as a business, I think that she could get a big following!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Stop SOPA!!!
"This is a re-post from I do not own this article, only wish to spread the word and the importance behind it. You can read the original HERE in its full context. I can not stress the importance of this article enough. As an avid internet user, I reserve the right given to be me by the Consitution of the United States to FREELY view the media free of censoring without due process."
Corporations whose lobbyists drafted SOPA and PIPA want the ability to block you from reaching any web site they feel hurts their profits -- without due process, or review in any court -- by hijacking DNS (!) and censoring search results. Hoping you won't notice until it's too late, Congress is preparing to give them that right.
For example, Monster Cable (who brought "Monster Park" to 49er fans) considers craigslist a "rogue site" for takedown under PIPA - they want to prevent YOU from selling YOUR unwanted cables, by removing craigslist from the Internet entirely (reddit), so they can increase their sales of new cables! Many other "rights holders" want to be able to do the same. (Boycott anyone? There's an app for that.)
SOPA/PIPA authors and supporters insist they're only fighting "piracy," but Internet Engineers understand that this is an attempt to impose China-style government control over our public Internet. Hmmm, who should we believe?
Let Congress know you OPPOSE H.R. 3261 "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) and S. 968 "Protect IP Act" (PIPA):
Opponents of SOPA: Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, eBay, AOL, Mozilla, Reddit, Tumblr, Etsy, Zynga, EFF, ACLU, Human Rights Watch, Darrell Issa (R-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Ron Paul (R-TX)
Where does your Member of Congress stand on SOPA? (Project SOPA Opera)
SOPA and PIPA Are Too Dangerous To Revise, They Must Be Killed Entirely
Congress needs to hear from you, or these dangerous bills will pass.
Corporations whose lobbyists drafted SOPA and PIPA want the ability to block you from reaching any web site they feel hurts their profits -- without due process, or review in any court -- by hijacking DNS (!) and censoring search results. Hoping you won't notice until it's too late, Congress is preparing to give them that right.
For example, Monster Cable (who brought "Monster Park" to 49er fans) considers craigslist a "rogue site" for takedown under PIPA - they want to prevent YOU from selling YOUR unwanted cables, by removing craigslist from the Internet entirely (reddit), so they can increase their sales of new cables! Many other "rights holders" want to be able to do the same. (Boycott anyone? There's an app for that.)
SOPA/PIPA authors and supporters insist they're only fighting "piracy," but Internet Engineers understand that this is an attempt to impose China-style government control over our public Internet. Hmmm, who should we believe?
Let Congress know you OPPOSE H.R. 3261 "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) and S. 968 "Protect IP Act" (PIPA):
- Reverse Robocall ALL pro-SOPA MOC + Key Lobbyists (Genius! More info on Ars Technica)
- Phone your Member of Congress the old fashioned way (House) (Senate)
- Contact Senators who are refusing to meet with constituents about SOPA/PIPA.
- EFF Congressional Emailer - Oppose Internet Blacklisting (SOPA & PIPA)
- ECA Congressional Emailer - Don't Censor Our Internet!
- OpenCongress Congressional Emailer - Oppose SOPA
- Generic Congressional Emailer (You'll need your Zip+4)
- Outside the US? Sign Petition Opposing US Censorship of Global Sites (EFF)
Opponents of SOPA: Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, eBay, AOL, Mozilla, Reddit, Tumblr, Etsy, Zynga, EFF, ACLU, Human Rights Watch, Darrell Issa (R-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Ron Paul (R-TX)
Where does your Member of Congress stand on SOPA? (Project SOPA Opera)
SOPA and PIPA Are Too Dangerous To Revise, They Must Be Killed Entirely
Congress needs to hear from you, or these dangerous bills will pass.
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